
Meals and Drinks in Hotel | 在酒店也能吃好喝好

中共湖南省委外事工作委员会办公室  时间:2021-01-14 10:01

    Dialogue 情景对话 


    One morning, James and Jerry decided to have breakfast delivered to their room in order to save some time for their trip, so Jerry called the Room Service Center.


    Room Service Center: Good morning! How can I help you?


    Jerry: Good morning! We would like to have breakfast in our room. What do you have right now?


    Room Service Center: We now have Continental breakfast and Chinese breakfast. For Chinese breakfast, we have special Changsha breakfast — the rice noodles. Which one do you prefer?


    Jerry: We’ll try the rice noodles. Two, please. And two cups of coffee, please.


    Room Service Center: OK. Let me check. Two bowls of rice noodles and two cups of coffee for Room 8603, correct?

    客房服务中心:好的,我确认下您的信息,两碗米粉,两杯咖啡,送至 8603 房间,对吗?

    Jerry: Yes. How long will it be?


    Room Service Center: Your meal will be ready in 20 minutes.

    客房服务中心:20 分钟内给您送过去。

    Attendant Xiaoli brought the breakfast to James and Jerry’s room.


    Xiaoli: Room service. Here comes your meal.


    James (answering the door): Good morning! Could you please put it on the table over there?


    Xiaoli (putting down the breakfast): When you finish your breakfast, please call the Room Service Center and we will come and collect the plates.


    Jerry: OK. Thank you! By the way, the rice noodles smell so good!


    Xiaoli: This is a classic Changsha breakfast. You will be half a Changshanese after tasting the rice noodles!


    Jerry: I want to try right now!


    Xiaoli: Enjoy!


湘西土家族苗族自治州龙山县里耶镇八面山景区,星空下的帐篷酒店吸引众多游客前来观光体验。 张术杰 陈雄 摄 


    Room Service Center 客房服务中心

    Continental breakfast 欧式早餐

    Chinese breakfast 中式早餐

    rice noodle 米粉

    coffee [ˈkɔːfɪ] n. 咖啡

    check [tʃek] v. 确认

    table [ˈteɪbl] n. 桌子

    plate [pleɪt] n. 盘子


Meals and Drinks in Hotel | 在酒店也能吃好喝好